Colleen Duffley
Colleen Duffley
I'm a photographer, creative director and brand manager.
Developing the identity for this brand is a project close to my heart. Being “indigo” is part of who I’ve been my whole life. In my personal life and in the businesses
I’ve created and developed embody all things indigo.
I am a mother of 2 amazing cats, sister to six siblings, I have strong relationships with talented indigo women from around the globe. Those relationships feed my soul. I feel like being a “Connector” of people instead of being “connected” is more important. I love to introduce all of my cool friends to each other. The circle just becomes bigger and we all benefit and grow together.
I have a voracious appetite for adventure. I love my friends, love wine, love to cook, and love to dance.
… I laugh out loud, love big and wear my heart on
my sleeve.